Oh my Renee, a ghazal is no small feat to write! My understanding is they are love or romantic poems (from the Arabic meaning 'to sweet talk or flirt') but yours definitely fills the bill, God's love offering Christ's death in our stead.

P.S. I hope you don't mind if I add the link here for other readers :-) The communion image is perfect.


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Thank you for adding the link and sharing it! I did not make that connection initially, but you are right, the love aspect does work with the form :)

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This is fascinating. Thanks for this inside look into your process. I never write by hand because I just hate the way my handwriting looks and get distracted by it, so I opt for the clean screen instead. I wonder if that hinders me in some way.

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try it and see how it feels! I will say though I do find it really hard to change my process--I started out writing by hand and now that just feels "right" when I sit down to begin a poem. But I do like how it gives more space for words to snake their way in there.

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